Saturday, October 13, 2007

New Beginning - Blogging

I have been hearing from news, magazines about people blogging. Politicians do it for their own propaganda. Entrepreneurs blog to gain visibility. My friends blog to share their personal life happenings with me and I post my comments to them. What a wonderful invention!

So here I am, creating a blog for myself thinking what should I do in this blog. I do not think I have so many life stories to share with everyone but I know I am passionate about helping companies to solve their business problems. Many of them, especially in Asia, cannot afford the expensive consultancy fees charged by the likes of the BCGs, the Bains or the Mckinseys to strategise and grow their businesses.

Therefore, I decide to create a blog where I can share my views on topics that matters to business and exchange ideas with anyone who share the same passion as me.

I shall keep my first posting short. Stay tune for more!

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